![]() Art courtesy of Greg Garrison, geg@stellarmedia.net In December 1987, soon after hearing a duet of Ricky Skaggs and James Taylor singing "A New Star Shining", I was inspired to write a song about Jesus' birth in relation to the reason He came. Later, I arranged the flute part so that my daughter could accompany as I played guitar and sang it as part of our church's Christmas music. Added to my website in 1997, it has been found and performed around the world ever since. This song is included on both of my albums, "Til Jesus Is All" and "Til Pondering Turns to Praise". It has also been featured on Christmas albums by Sylvia Fleming, Hunter Hayes ("Holidays with Hunter"), and others. New recording! (Bluegrass) Christmas 2020, by Bob Dick on his album "More Tidings of Comfort and Joy" at Appleland Music (see the Bluegrass Version link, to the right).
Rolling Stone featured an article (December 18, 2015) in their online Country Music section, entitled
"Flashback: See a Young Hunter Hayes Perform 'More Than a Child'. Hunter Hayes' original recording of the song is discussed at Song Facts. "It is SUCH a great song! It has a strong lyric that says so much from the point of view of a thankful believer acknowledging the humility yet awe of the savior he/she serves." - Hunter Hayes Visit Hunter's official website at hunterhayes.com More Than a Child is also included on the Songs of Praise Christmas Music Page. There are currently translations in Dutch/Flemish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. If you perform this song, I would love to hear about it! You can email me at larry@larryholdermusic.org. If you would like to record this song, just visit my permissions page for more info, and email me if you have any questions.
Words, Music, and Arrangement by Lawrence Keith Holder
Copyright © 1997 Lawrence Keith Holder (Larry Holder Music, ASCAP)
Netherlands (2017) Crawford School, Canada (2009) Irma & Marga, Netherlands (2016) UCCP Children's Choir (2015) Kara (2013) Gkai & Jasmine (2013) Stephanie, Germany (2012) Rolando, Philippines (2012) Erlyn, Philippines (2012) Kelly (2012) Andreea & Mihai (2010) Asia (2009) Dana, India (2015) Roann (2015)
[ Accompaniment MP3 (in D) ]
[ Accompaniment MP3 (in F) ]
[ MP3 from Larry's album (in D) ]
More than a child born in the hay,
For You are the Hope of my soul, (flute solo)
More than a star shining that night,
Would come, bringing newness and life,
Yes, one day You came, as angels proclaimed, |
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